Verbos de movimento, preposições direcionais e escalas

António Leal, Fátima Oliveira


Prepositions para and até are apparently similar in some contexts, but they give rise to distinct interpretations that are related to the aspectual profile of the predications. This work aims to explore the differences between para and até regarding the telicity of the predications projected by verbs of movement of the type caminhar. Two theoretical perspectives are compared and the data presented suggest that the contribution of these prepositions to the telicity of the predications can be described in a more accurate way by using the notion of ‘scale’, in a similar way to apparently unrelated constructions such as Degree Achievements.

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Esta publicação é editada pela Associação Portuguesa de Linguística, em co-edição com a Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto.

Licença Creative Commons
Este trabalho está licenciado com uma Licença Creative Commons - Atribuição 4.0 Internacional.


ISSN: 2183-9077