Quem é que faz uma coisa destas? : Estratégias de ratificação de Enunciados Narrativos produzidos em Situação de Interação Oral

Armindo J. B. de Morais


In this article we will focus on pragmatic-discursive strategies that promote the
ratification of a communication contract (Charaudeau, 2002) established between parts when narratives are introduced in the conversation. These strategies not only help to contextualize the narrative according to the specific communication intent, but also function as interactive signals to indicate the end of a conversational narrative and the return to the previous communicative situation. Therefore, we will begin by identifying the macro-positional borders of the Conversational Narrative linking them to the introduction of a Narrative Communication Contract that will be valid during the time of narration. Then we will analyze the pragmatic-discursive strategies used at the Coda of a set of 25 narratives, highlighting their textual, configurational and interactive functions.

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ISSN: 1646-6195