A formação inicial de professores de Geografia no Brasil por meio de políticas de iniciação à docência: o caso do PIBID

Maria Anezilany Gomes do Nascimento


This article aims to present the impacts of the Brazilian Program of Scholarships to Teaching Initiation - PIBID on the teacher training of Geography in Brazil, focusing on the intervention on the professional identity for the teaching profession, and redetermination of the role and place of co-trainers and knowledges of training in the exercise of practical rationality in the development of curricular components, and in the construction of topophilic relations with the School and with geography as a school discipline, considering its multiple languages and potentialities. The birth of PIBID in the early 2000’s results from the recognition by the Brazilian Ministry of Education of the challenges posed by global political in education. The PIBID, along with other programs of professional training and teaching valorization, goes through a redefinition in the national agenda. The drastic reduction of quotas interrupts the continuity of already consolidated subprojects. These are difficult times for Geography, in the context of the crisis of Basic and Secondary Education in Brazil, and for teacher professionalization, whose most evident challenges are related to practical rationality in the formative process and to the centralization of places, knowledge and subjects essential to training. When a program that begins to reap the first positive results of an introduction to teaching in Geography, and collaboration of the spaces and protagonists involved in the initial formation, is being experienced in an unprecedented way, giving feedback to the desired reflection-in-action cycle, the uncertain future of this policy leads us to reflect on when and how initial teacher training will be a permanent and priority agenda in our actions.

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