El clima urbano del Puerto de Valparaíso: construcción social del espacio en ciudades costeras

Hugo Romero, Melandra Molina, Alexis Vásquez, Pamela Smith


The spatial distribution of air temperatures recorded along representative different hours and days of summer and winter seasons and at different places in the coastal city of Valparaíso, Chile, is analyzed. This harbor city is located at the Pacific Ocean coast in subtropical latitudes at the Western coast of South America, under dominance of the Pacific Anticyclone and the Humboldt Sea current. The specifical orographic conditions of the city site, characterized by a narrow flat area and many hills and streams, as much as the sea influence, land uses and covers and urban design, explain the presence of cold islands and heat archipelagos and a urban heat island development properly only at winter nights. On the other hand, urban climates distribution is meaningfully associated with income levels of the urban population, representing strong influences of socioeconomic drivers on Latin American urban landscapes.

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