O fluxo de Sta. Marinha do Zêzere (NW de Portugal) : ensaio metodológico

Laura Soares, Carlos Bateira, António Gomes


The mudflow that occurred in Sta. Marinha do Zêzere (NW of Portugal) in 26 January of 2001, has taken place on a gentle slope, with an average declivity of 10º. Untill that time, all the previously studied mass movements, located in the Hercynien Massif, had occurred on slopes with, at least, 30º. Thus, it’s important to review the factors that, in the context of this structural unit, seems to have more influence on the processes of geomorphological instability. A serie of laboratorial and in situ tests had been implemented, with the porpouse of better understand the superficial formations hidrological behavior, in the affected area. Texture, penetrometer resistance, hydraulic condutivity and infiltration capacity, were some of the measured elements.

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