Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto - OJS

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Toda(o)s

Todas as Artes

Esta revista assume-se como um espaço de conhecimento, de investigação e de celebração das artes numa perspetiva da sociologia e dos estudos culturais. Com efeito, as artes impõem-se, cada vez mais, como referentes emblemáticos da contemporaneidade, fazendo-nos lembrar que Kant, na sua Estética, considerava já que os sentidos das artes dependiam da existência plural dos homens. Os espaços, os lugares, as fronteiras, os atores, as temáticas de todas as artes (música, artes performativas, pintura, arquitetura, escultura, literatura, poesia, cinema, fotografia, vídeo, artes digitais, instalação, design, ilustração, pixação, design, arquitetura, graffiti, programação, edição, comics …) são , assim, a sua pedra de toque.

This journal assumes itself as a space of knowledge, research and celebration of the arts from a perspective of sociology and cultural studies. In fact, the arts are increasingly imposing themselves as emblematic references of the contemporary, reminding us that Kant, in his Aesthetics, already considered that the meanings of the arts depended on the plural existence of men. The spaces, places, borders, actors, themes of all arts (music, performative arts, painting, architecture, sculpture, literature, poetry, cinema, photography, video, digital arts, installation, design, illustration, design, architecture, graffiti, programming, editing, comics ...) are thus its touchstone. 

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Trabalhos de Antropologia e Etnologia

Revista da Sociedade Portuguesa de Antropologia e Etnologia criada em 1919









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Translation Matters

Translation matters! It matters because it occurs in some form or another – interlinguistically, intralinguistically, or intersemiotically – in every communicative event. It matters because it is a crucial part of the transmission of information across time and space, contributing to the construction of languages, knowledge and identity. It matters too because the debates that it launches about the nature of meaning, and the processes involved in its generation and transmission, are fundamental to all aspects of human culture.

This journal explores all kinds of translation matters, ranging from the theoretical and descriptive to the practical and technical.




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