Le monde du travail chez Jean-Luc Outers : Le travailleur belge : un tatou !

Isabel Verónica Ferraz de Sousa


In the novels by Belgian Francophone Jean-Luc Outers, working world has found a productive ground. Indeed, there are plenty professions from politician to researcher, including public administration clerk. Though writer’s work is emphasized, Outers’ novels focus on the absurd administration context, as well as the relation between work and body, space and time. It is with an ironic and tender glance, in an interrogative style which leads to reflection, with poetry, often surreal or fantastic images, but above all with a special humour, comfortable, but mainly with absurd or burlesque, sometimes incisive approach, which causes intelligent laughter, that the author presents us this abstract and asepticised bureaucratic society of ours, where human beings try to survive despite nonsense.

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