Amin Maalouf : le chemin vers l’autre se fait en voyageant. L’itinéraire comme stratégie de reconfiguration identitaire

Maria José Carneiro Dias


Worried by the segregationist essentialisms that tear communities apart, Amin Maalouf has been using literature as an intercultural bridge builder, and assuming himself as a mediator, considering his condition as a deterritorialized and minority border-crossed writer, in the interchange of the Arabian and the Western culture. For him, the frontiers between fiction and essay, as many others in his life, are faint and permeable, giving way to an intercultural plot which generates reflection and new world configurations. For this writer, who takes travelling as an opportunity for an identitary reconfiguration, the itinerary is a major topic in his fiction for its relational and decentralizing potentialities as well as for the perspective displacement it allows.

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