Nomes derivados de verbos inacusativos : estrutura argumental e valor aspectual

Ana Maria Brito


The text analyses some aspects of the syntax and semantics of nominalizations derived from unaccusative verbs, in particular verbs of  appearance/disappearance and movement. We try to show that these
nominalizations, although having no external argument, have an argument
structure and one of their arguments may be realised by a referential
adjective. In regard to aspect, nominalizations derived from unaccusatives
have, in general, an event reading, with several values, including the result or the culmination value, which was here considered a part of the event interpretation, according to Brito & Oliveira 1997. There is also a small number of nouns derived from movement verbs that have the entity or the individual reading. For event nominalizations, we have defended an analysis inspired
in Alexiadou 2001, according to which their structure is very similar to the structure of the sentence, with a functional category of Aspect; the lexical head is unspecified for syntactic category and the nominal nature is given by the nominal environment, specifically by the functional category DP. The structure of nominalizations with the individual reading has no Aspect node.

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