Scherzo com helicópteros : a metáfora do voo em Herberto Helder

Pedro Eiras


Scherzo with Helicopters is a reading of the text «(a paisagem é um ponto de vista)» by Herberto Helder. Questioning dichotomies (poetry /theory, heaven/road), interrogating symbols (the dream of flight, celestial Jerusalem), confronting Photomaton & Vox with theories about poetry and imitation of nature (Aristotle, Álvaro de Campos, Stockhausen, Leonardo da Vinci), analysing a certain avant-garde or apocalyptic tone of the text (according to Matei Calinescu and Jacques Derrida), this article attempts at the same time a close reading, deconstruction and, above all, the unpredictable of any scherzo.

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