O contributo da obra lexicográfica de Rafael Bluteau para a história do ensino do português como língua estrangeira : o methodo breve, y facil para entender Castellanos la lengua portugueza

Rogelio Ponce de Léon, Sónia Duarte


The present article intends to give some visibility to the didactic dimension of the Methodo breve, y facil para entender Castellanos la lengua portugueza which appears among the preliminary texts of Rafael Bluteau’s Diccionario Castellano y Portuguez (Lisbon, 1721); by situating this work within the context of the tradition which precedes it, the article also evaluates the importance of its contribution to the field of Portuguese didactics specially directed at a Spanish audience. In the appendix the authors present their edition of the text of the Methodo with the Tabla de palabras portuguezas, remotas de la lengua castellana which accompanies it.

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