Mapeamento cultural. Enfrentar o desafio de políticas e planeamento culturais mais participativos e pluralistas

Nancy Duxbury


The term cultural mapping refers to both an interdisciplinary field of research, encompassing an array of approaches used in diverse contexts as a tool and method of inquiry, organization, and presentation; and an insight-generating praxis, as a participatory planning and development tool embedded in “communal engagement and the creation of spaces to incorporate multivocal stories” (Duxbury and Saper, 2015: n.p.). The evolution of cultural mapping intertwines academic and artistic research with policy, planning, and advocacy contexts. Its current methodological contours have been informed by five main cultural mapping trajectories: community empowerment and counter-mapping, cultural policy, municipal governance, mapping as artistic practice, and academic inquiry. This article provides an overview of this field, identifies some of the objectives and issues with which researchers are currently engaging, and offers questions and suggestions to guide efforts to build closer connections with the realms of cultural policy and planning.

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 ISSN 2184-3805