Imagem e negritude: racismo estrutural em uma “Terra em Transe”

Guilherme Marcondes


Between the final of 2018 and the first semester of 2019, the city of Fortaleza, Ceará, received the Festival Solar, an initiative that promoted exhibitions, debates and awards. With a focus on photography, aesthetic language fundamental to the conformation of the field of art in the Northeastern state, among the activities promoted by the aforementioned festival, the exhibition Terra em Transe, which occupied one of the main cultural apparatuses of the state, the Museu de Arte Contemporânea do Ceará, em Fortaleza (MAC-Ceará). Based on this sample, it is therefore intended to address one of the issues addressed by it, specifically, regarding the racial question in Brazil, taking a sociological approach in dialogue with the concepts of place of speech and structural racism.

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 ISSN 2184-3805