Gil Vicente e os ermitãos : tradição e paródia

Maria Idalina R. Rodrigues


The article starts from the rearrangement of materials previously gathered for the study of the figure of the hermit in Medieval paratheatrical texts and seeks to clarify how in Gil Vicente’s theatre echoes of that tradition interfere with the attention to new patterns. Texts analysed are those linked to precious literary heritage («Reis Magos» and «Amadis de Gaula»), those pointing towards the appropriation of 16th century models («Inês Pereira» and the hermit in love) and the ones which emerge more directly from a personal way of cheerfully capturing the troubles of human nature («Serra da Estrela»). As a general conclusion, and even when the satirical aspect is obvious, the figure is generally regarded with sympathy and, more or
less transformed, has survived on stage until today.

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