Maestras iletradas

Maria Isabel Barbeito Carneiro


The lives of the women  studied  in this article  clearly  show that a cultural  background is not always the only source for erudition, but. in some cases, this may result from a mystical  experience. In spite the fact that they were all illiterate, their  unconditional ascesis  led to a persistent desire to reach the unity  with God, thus  giving  them the knowledge to become  masters  in doctrine. Ângela  de Foligno, Catalina  de Siena,  Juana  de La Cruz Teresa  de Jesús, Maria de La Antigua, Mariana de San  José and  Maria de Jesús are examples of women  whose  levels  of erudition  corroborate the  proposition presented  in this study and at the same time are a testimony of the Virgin  Mary's ministry,  the first illiterate  erudite.

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