Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope


Scientific area and objectives

The purpose of Filosofia is to contribute to the creation and transmission of knowledge in the various areas of Philosophy and History of Philosophy. It is not biased towards any specific subject, school of thought or methodology.

Filosofia publishes unpublished studies in Philosophy or other areas, when these are considered relevant contributions to philosophical debate or knowledge.

Filosofia seeks to maintain a high standard of quality, as well as timely publication, so as to assure its authors and readers the opportunity to participate in ongoing debates within the philosophical community.

Filosofia is guided in the texts it publishes by standards of rigor, clarity and academic and scientific grounding, adopting the practice of double blind peer review.


Themes and sections

Filosofia has the following sections: — Studies; — Critical notices; — Reviews; — News; — Chronicle. If considered appropriate, the journal may create new sections, either permanently or on occasion.

Filosofia, should its editorial board so decide, may publish thematic volumes or sections thereof (Memorials; Festschriften; Proceedings; etc.).


Publication languages

The journal has an international character. As such, it publishes texts in the most relevant European academic languages (Castilian; English; French; German; Italian; Portuguese).



The journal adopts the best practices of transparency and rigor in refereeing. All articles and critical studies are read anonymously by two external specialists. Should these specialists recommend acceptance, this may be conditional on alterations. In this case the author would be expected to revise accordingly until the version is considered final by the editors. In cases undecided by the two referees, the paper is given to a third anonymous external reader.

The editor and the editorial staff ensure anonymity throughout the entire reviewing process, as well as the resolution of all conflicts of interest.


Editorial management

The journal is directed by the following organs: Editor, Scientific Board, Editorial Board.

The Editor directs and organizes the journal’s publication; he/she is responsible for the external and independent refereeing process; organizes cooperation in different sections of the journal; is responsible for all administrative acts necessary for publication, which he/she may delegate on the editorial staff. The Editor’s functions also include: to preside over the Editorial Board; to keep the Scientific Board informed. The Editor does not evaluate papers submitted for publication. The Editor is appointed by the Editorial Board for a period of two years.

The Scientific Board (SB) is a consultative organ of the journal. It is composed of a maximum of 20 invited, both national and foreign, academics and researchers, in such a way as to preserve a balance between the different philosophical areas and orientations. These are appointed for a period of 4 years, renewable once. Its functions are: to present proposals for thematic volumes; suggestions for cooperative work to be published by the journal; to cooperate with the external and anonymous peer reviewing of articles submitted for publication; to cooperate with the Scientific Board and with the Editor, suggesting external independent referees, suited to the articles submitted for publication.

The Editorial Board (EB) is composed of all the professors in the Department of Philosophy. Functions: to advise the Editor; to define the journal’s scientific guidelines; to define standards of quality; to decide on the publication of thematic issues; to determine the rules for external and independent refereeing; to approve the editorial norms for texts; to approve the graphic style of the journal; to approve or modify the journal’s Editorial Statutes; to pronounce on matters submitted to it by the Editor; to appoint the members of the Scientific Board, according to their periodic rotation or renewal. The Editorial Board assembles once a year on the Editor’s call.


The Editorial Staff (ES) includes technical support personnel, section editors, and invited editors for monographic issues. The Editorial Staff is a support structure coordinated by the Editor to provide advising in the several tasks and stages of the journal’s editorial process. The Staff’s members do not evaluate articles submitted for publication.


Ethical code

The journal is governed by the principles of editorial ethics in academic publications and follows the “Code of Conduct for Journal Editors”, by the Committee On Publication Ethics (COPE).

The journal adopts a practice of transparence and respect in the process of evaluation and publication of submitted articles. To ensure transparency in that process, all anonymous referees sign a declaration concerning conflicts of interests.

The journal explicitly and unequivocally rejects all forms of plagiarism or academic fraud (the deliberate providing of false, unverified, fraudulent or injurious information). The authors are solely responsible for the reliability and authenticity of their work’s content.

The submitted articles are verified with plagiarism detection software.

Reports of published plagiarized, manipulated or fraudulent material will be investigated by the Scientific Board and two independent arbiters. The journal reserves the right at any moment to suspend or withdraw from publication any article where plagiarism or fraud is detected, or where there is evidence of any other inappropriate academic conduct.



Authors and Copyright

The authors commit themselves to publish original, not previously released work, and they assume the responsibility for the work they publish.

The authors must format their texts according to the journal’s editorial guidelines, paying special attention to the rigorous identification of all quoted material or content.

In submitting their articles for publication in the journal, the authors agree to the practices of open access dissemination of the articles, their rights being assured within the agreements and licenses of “creative commons”   Attribution-nonComercial-NoDerivs.

The authors do not pay any fee for evaluation of publication of their articles.

The republication of any article requires a written authorization from the Author and the journal.




The journal does not accept publication of sponsored material. It accepts the offer of works for reviewing, but not reviews sponsored by publishing companies, nor directives concerning the content of the reviews.

The journal accepts the publication of advertising from publishing companies.



Distribution and exchanges

The authors of papers, news or reviews are entitled to 2 printed exemplars. The authors receive the PDF with the respective paper, which can be freely distributed.

The members of the EB and the SB are entitled to 1 printed exemplar of the journal.

The journal holds exchanges with similar journals. The exchanged titles are deposited in the Faculty’s Central Library.

The commercial distribution of the journal and the signature service are maintained by the Faculty of Arts of Porto University.



Editions, Open access and Repository

The journal has double edition: printed (for exchanges, selling, signatures and authors) and online, freely accessed.

The number of pages for each volume varies according with the theme or the time period, from 150 to 300 pp.

The journal espouses the principles upheld by the “Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association”.

Online address: http://ojs.letras.up.pt/index.php/filosofia/

Online FLUP repository: http://ler.letras.up.pt/site/default.aspx?qry=id04id16&sum=sim

The journal has “green” classification in the Sherpa-Romeo color code for publications in open access: http://www.sherpa.ac.uk/romeo/search.php?issn=0871-1658




ISSN: 0871-1658
ISSN-e: 2183-6892
Legal Deposit (Portugal): 175913/02


Journal’s email address:


Postal address 
Filosofia. Revista
Departamento de Filosofia
Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto
Via Panorâmica, s/n
4150-564 Porto.

Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto
Via Panorâmica, s/n
4150-564 Porto.


Section Policies


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Thesis & Dissertations

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Book Reviews/Recensões

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Critical reviews

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Peer Review Process


The journal adopts the best practices of transparency and rigor in refereeing. All articles and critical studies are read anonymously by two external specialists. Should these specialists recommend acceptance, this may be conditional on alterations. In this case the author would be expected to revise accordingly until the version is considered final by the editors. In cases undecided by the two referees, the paper is given to a third anonymous external reader.

The editor and the editorial staff ensure anonymity throughout the entire reviewing process, as well as the resolution of all conflicts of interest.


Review process and Ethical code

The journal is governed by the principles of editorial ethics in academic publications and follows the “Code of Conduct for Journal Editors”, by the Committee On Publication Ethics (COPE).

The journal adopts a practice of transparence and respect in the process of evaluation and publication of submitted articles. To ensure transparency in that process, all anonymous referees sign a declaration concerning conflicts of interests.

The journal explicitly and unequivocally rejects all forms of plagiarism or academic fraud (the deliberate providing of false, unverified, fraudulent or injurious information). The authors are solely responsible for the reliability and authenticity of their work’s content.

The submitted articles are verified with plagiarism detection software.

Reports of published plagiarized, manipulated or fraudulent material will be investigated by the Scientific Board and two independent arbiters. The journal reserves the right at any moment to suspend or withdraw from publication any article where plagiarism or fraud is detected, or where there is evidence of any other inappropriate academic conduct.