Le rapport à la langue de l’autre : une relation mitigée entre rejet et absorption. Une lecture du discours sebbarien dans Je ne parle pas la langue de mon père

Nahida Guellil


The writer Leïla Sebbar lives very grievously the question of the dual cultural and linguistic belonging. She is shared between French, the language of his mother, and chosen by his father, and Arabic, language which is obscured by him. For Leïla Sebbar, it is difficult to accept its share of linguistic otherness and aspire to move closer to the culture and the language of the origins. Thus, the writer used her temporal fluidity created by its pelgrimage (round trip between past and present, between the French and the Algerian memories); the point from which would articulate her re-appropriation and re-adaptation of cultural and linguistic origins. To understand Leïla Sebbar’s route found in her novel: Je ne parle pas la langue de mon père (I don’t speak my father’s language), we propose to analyze her speech to see the relationship with the languages on which she is based: Arabic and French.

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