Modalisation et distance énonciative dans des rapports d’évaluation d’activités de formation de professeurs
The analysis of authentic texts increases formal knowledge of its discursive
configuration and of its social and communicative circulation, enabling a better pragmatic effectiveness. The report, as a genre, has a high social value, as its circulation is constant in various situations of socio-communicative importance. It is a required as a garantee of the evaluation and the improvement of organizational and functional operation in (almost) every area. Therefore,
this textual genre is commonly thought of as having an objective nature. However, a more detailed analysis of reports from certain professional areas reveals the subjective nature of this kind of text. The goal of this study is to contribute to the description of the discursive configuration of this genre, through text analysis, considering two types of indicators: (i) linguistics marks of discourse modalization; (ii) the enunciative position of the writer. The corpus is formed by reports written by trainers in continuous education courses for teachers, in 2011, in a Training Center for teachers. This analysis will contribute both to the linguistic description of the reports and as evaluative speech and the indication of concrete elements for its effective construction.
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