Modalização e construção do humor nas crónicas de Ricardo Araújo Pereira
This study focused on the analysis of a set of satirical chronicles of Ricardo Araújo Pereira, published between December 2011 and March 2013, in the newsmagazine Visão, in order to isolate a set of enunciative-pragmatic recurrences in the author’s discourse. Amongst the isolated recurrences we selected for this paper the most closely related to the topic ‘modality and
the genres’ such as the markers of epistemic, deontic and appreciative modality, used to construct the ironic tone pervasive throughout his speech. Other recurrences such as intertextuality and interdiscursivity and the invocation of other ‘voices’ are either directed to the validation of his own discourse, or to the disqualification of the discourse of the other, in compliance with the pragmatic dimension of social satire of his chronicles. Similarly, the marks of an oral informal register contribute to a dialogical and expressive writing style. The nonsenses, either resulting from the syntagmatic combination of paradigmatic distant expressions in terms of language registers, or from the syntactic combination of semantic-pragmatic incompatible realities, contribute, together with the rest of the markers, to the writing style of Ricardo Araújo Pereira’s humorous articles.
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