O discurso publicitário em sala de aula : objecto de análise discursiva e modelo de escrita no mundo real
Examples from the media are often used in discourse analysis in academic environments, especially in the teaching of foreign languages. These samples are valued because they are real and because they are easily accessible, which makes them useful as a didactic tool. Another area where these real texts can constitute a valid resource is in the teaching of advertising as an academic
discipline. In this case, ads can constitute an object of analysis and an object of study. The real-life examples allow the detection of recurrent structures in this discursive form, and can serve as an example and model of writing for future advertising professionals, thus contributing to a more conscious and effective ad production. It is the aim of this article to undertake an analysis of a number of real ads, where recurrent and defining discursive traits can be detected, and to establish a comparison with ad proposals produced by university students of the course of Communication Sciences in the discipline of ‘Advertising and Promotional Discourses’ (taught by the authors of this article), so as to assess the pertinence and relevance of the use of real-life examples in this specific area of learning.
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