A tradução jornalística na sala de aula : relações entre a tradução e os media
Journalists and translators are both producers of discourse: the firsts from facts,
the seconds from texts. It is when translating texts from news that the translator looks the most like the journalist. As a consequence, the translator of news or of specialized press has to adapt his text to his reader, in the same way a journalist does when writing the original text. We would like, in this article, to explore the relationship between the functions of the translator, those of the
journalist and the growing presence of news article in the class room. Hence, we analyze the strategies used by translators and journalists. The journalistic translation, which represents a little part in the translation market, starts growing more and more (International courier, multi-lingual channel, bilingual web sites, communication on news). In the context of globalization where quickness is required, journalists often behave as translators and a lack of training in the field of translation and linguistic, sometimes lead to surprising formulations and wrong meanings that we can observe in different examples. We then highlight the need for adapted and demanding training.
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