Narrativas da Nova Gaia – 4400. Prospetos de hip hop na Comunidade jovem

Lídia Pinheiro


Within a sociological reading, hip hop has a growing importance in the study of contemporary cultural dynamics in the last three decades, since it is understood as a vector of communication, identification and claim of young people around the world. This time, we want to understand the role that hip hop plays in the identity construction of young people inserted in the movement, specifically in the rap aspect, in the parishes of Vila Nova de Gaia. How did the interest for integration in the movement arise? What are the main reasons and influences for the continued presence? How important is rap in each young person's life? What are the main changes between the Old and the New School? And what future do young people want? These are some of the questions we propose to answer based on the interviews - in life story form - that we conducted to young rappers from Vila Nova de Gaia.

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 ISSN 2184-3805