Imagen y función del Anticristo en algunos textos castellanos del siglo XV

Maria Isabel Toro Pascua


From the early days of the primitive Church and throughout !he centuries,  the Antichrist 's image went through  many changes  and embellishments.  These  new added elements  had  their origin in different  written sources.  In the   15th century this legend  had  already originated  a vast and rich tradition which can be seen in several Castilian  apocalyptic  texts,  particularly influenced by the Arogonese court where this theme had been object of study since the 13th century This text is an attempt to show how the former doctrinal aspect of the Antichrist  was being replaced by a clearly more   practical   orientation   in  the  most  representative   Castilian   works.   which   undoubtedly conditioned its image and the way its figure was presented to the public.

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