Aspetos do processamento dos conceitos na aprendizagem da leitura e da escrita em L2 de nível avançado

Ângela Filipe Lopes


Deep reading and writing in a second language (L2) imply understanding multiple layers of meaning as well as evoking resources that enable (re)coding them. In what concerns learning how to read and write in a L2 as an adult learner in higher levels of proficiency, reading comprehension and the consequences of its (re)creative results in written production demand a deep grasp and reuse of meaning. Bearing in mind that reading and writing are two sides of the same coin (Pinto 2014) in their neurologic and cognitive root (Luria 1980) whose collaborative mechanics (Emig 1983; Pinto 2014) depends on several converging areas of the brain, we intend to revisit the neurolinguistic mechanisms underlying concept comprehension and evocation in hopes of shedding light on some of the processes involved in deep reading comprehension and subsequent written production.

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ISSN: 1646-6195